

Time Subject
0800-0930 Strategy Room 5 Two Concurrent Workshops W050800-A: Don’t Take That If You Need an Accurate Result: Impact of Supplements, Drugs, and Clinical Treatments on Clinical Chemistry Assays Jessica Gifford, Alberta Precision Laboratories Hossein Sadrzadeh, Alberta Precision Laboratories
Strategy Room 7 W050800-B: Evidence-based Approach from the Canadian Society for Clinical Chemists (CSCC) Working Group on Reference Interval Harmonization (hRI) Khosrow Adeli, The Hospital for Sick Children Dana Bailey, Dynacare Mary Kathryn Bohn, The Hospital for Sick Children Christine Collier, Royal Columbian Hospital
0945-1115 Strategy Room 5 Two Concurrent Workshops W050945-A: Optimal therapeutic ranges of serum lithium levels in older adults Lei Fu, Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre Angela Fung, St. Paul’s Hospital Kenneth Shulman, Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre
Strategy Room 7 W050945-B: One clinical and laboratory information system: the blood, sweat and cheers towards laboratory standardization Jessica Boyd, Alberta Precision Laboratories Michelle Parker, DynaLIFE Medical Labs Albert Tsui, Alberta Precision Laboratories Alison Venner, Alberta Precision Laboratories
1115-1300 Strategy Room 2 Clinical Biochemistry Editorial Board
1300-1615 Strategy Room 5 Two Concurrent Workshops W051300-A: Actionable Insights Arising from an Algorithmic Big Data Analysis of Sequential Intrapatient Laboratory Results George Cembrowski, University of Alberta Mark Cervinski, Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center; The Geisel School of Medicine at Dartmouth Andrew Lyon, Saskatchewan Health Authority & University of Saskatchewan Christopher McCudden, Ontario Regional Laboratory Association; University of Ottawa; The Ottawa Hospital
Strategy Room 7 W051300-B: Quality Assurance in Clinical Mass Spectrometry – Tools and Metrics to Address Challenges with Sample Preparation, Ion Suppression, Ongoing Validations and Result Analysis Danijela Konforte, LifeLabs Denis Orton, Alberta Precision Laboratories Difei Sun, LifeLabs
1600-1700 Executive Boardroom EPOCC
Strategy Room 1 CACB Accreditation Committee
1630-1730 Strategy Room 2 Pediatric Focus Group
1730-1830 Fallsview ABC New Member and Emeritus Member Reception (invitation only)
1830-1930 Great Room C (3rd Flr) Opening Keynote: Reducing the global burden of disease by half in a decade Dr. Salim Yusuf, MD, BS, D. Phil, FRCP (UK), FRCP (C), FACC, Professor of Medicine, McMaster University
1930-2200 Offsite Venue: Table Rock Centre Opening Reception at Table Rock overlooking Niagara Falls Walkable (20 minutes), but transportation is also provided – shuttle buses will leave from the Sheraton lobby starting at 1930. Shuttle will loop back and forth between the hotel and the venue throughout the evening.
Time Subject
Fallsview Studio ABC
Eight Concurrent Breakfast Roundtables
R060730-B Cases in Pediatric Clinical Chemistry Presenter: Lawrence de Koning, Alberta Precision Labs, University of Calgary
R060730-C Alzheimer disease (AD) biomarkers in CSF and Plasma: Which assay performs best to diagnose AD and how they correlate Presenter: Hans Frykman, BC Neuroimmunology Laboratory and Neurocode Lab; University of British Columbia
R060730-D Approaches to prenatal screening for aneuploidy Presenter: Miranda Brun, Alberta Precision Laboratories
R060730-E Neural Antibody Testing in Patients with Suspected Autoimmune Encephalitis Presenter: Adrian Budhram, London Health Sciences Centre
R060730-F Clinically implemented sFlt-1 and PlGF assays for supporting preeclampsia diagnosis Presenter: Lei Fu, Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre
R060730-G Protein Electrophoresis for Monoclonal Gammopathies Analysis Presenter: Jieli Shirley Li, The Ohio State University
R060730-H Laboratory Harmonization and Standardization: Friends or Foes? Presenter: Jessica Gifford, Alberta Precision Laboratories
R060730-I Methotrexate immunoassay interference after glucarpidase treatment Presenter: Benjamin Jung, Hospital for Sick Children
Great Room C
Symposium 1: Improving patient safety through quality improvement in laboratory medicine
Welcome Remarks
Quality Measurement in Laboratory Medicine Dr. Mario Plebani, MD, Professor of Clinical Biochemistry and Clinical Molecular Biology at the University of Padova and Chief of the Department of Laboratory Medicine at the University Hospital in Padova Italy; President Elect, EFLM (2022-2023), chair of the Working Group Laboratory Errors and Patient Safety of the IFCC
Is preanalytics really that important? Dr. Jannes Cadamuro, Laboratory physician, Department of Laboratory Medicine University Hospital Salzburg, Paracelsus Medical University, Austria, Chair of the Working Group of the Preanalytical Phase of the EFLM
Refreshment Break
Addressing the robustness of our pre-analytical processes to improve patient safety Dr. Vincent De Guire, Clinical Biochemist, Maisonneuve-Rosemont Hospital, Optilab Montreal-CHUM Network. Chair of the SIG on Quality Improvement through Quality Indicators of the CSCC, member of the WG-LEPS of the IFCC and Expert on the WG-PRE of the EFLM
Great Room AB
Lunch and Exhibit Viewing
1400-1500 Four Concurrent Industry Workshops
Strategy Room 7 I061400-A Insight in the future of monoclonal protein quantification: The Mass Spectrometry Solution Presented by The Binding Site
Strategy Room 2 I061400-B Got Data? Integrating data into meaningful workflow and AI-based decision support tools for today’s clinical laboratory Presented by Siemens Healthineers
Strategy Room 1 I061400-C Saving lives using high sensitivity troponin-I with best practice examples of mitigated cardiovascular risk and death associated with post-operative care following cardiac surgery as well as routine Annual Health Assessments Presented by Abbott Laboratories Inc.
Strategy Room 3 I061400-D Cybersecurity and digital solutions; new challenges of healthcare Presented by Roche Diagnostics
Great Room AB
Oral e-Poster Presentations
ID: 7 Impact of sample pH on analytical recovery and stability of urinary 5HIAA, HVA and VMA
Hui Li, Dynacare
ID: 13 Serological Antibody Response to SARS-CoV-2 Vaccination in a Large Cohort of Canadian Children, Adolescents, and Adults
Mary Kathryn Bohn, Pediatric Laboratory Medicine, The Hospital for Sick Children; Laboratory Medicine & Pathobiology, University of Toronto
ID: 22 A national study to evaluate analytical performance specifications for high-sensitivity cardiac troponin assays
Kazem Nouri, Department of Pathology and Molecular Medicine, McMaster University, Hamilton, ON
ID: 28 Evidence-Based Harmonization of Adult Reference Intervals Across Canada using Big Data Analytics: A Report of the CSCC Working Group on Reference Interval Harmonization (hRI)
Mary Kathryn Bohn, Pediatric Laboratory Medicine, The Hospital for Sick Children; Laboratory Medicine & Pathobiology, University of Toronto
ID: 43 A simple rapid and robust mass spectrometry method for plasma busulfan suitable for pediatric dose optimization
Mehrdad Yazdanpanah, Department of Pediatric Laboratory Medicine, The Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto
ID: 44 Using artificial intelligence to standardize SPEP albumin fraction interpretation
Tracy Morrison
ID: 46 Who needs lights? A retrospective study on the impact of analytical bias resulting in an increase in phototherapy initiation
Saranya K.Arnoldo, Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, William Osler Health System
1600-1700 Four Concurrent Industry Workshops
Strategy Room 2 I061600-A Severe Infection and Monocyte Distribution Width (MDW) Presented by Beckman Coulter
Strategy Room 3 I061600-B Immunotyping Electrophoresis: Performance and Practicalities Presented by Sebia Canada
Strategy Room 1 I061600-C Modernizing schizophrenia patient management with rapid blood tests for antipsychotic medication levels Presented by HLS Therapeutics
Strategy Room 7 I061600-D Improving Blood Testing for Patients with Diabetes Presented by Nova Biomedical
Great Room AB
Exhibitors’ Wine & Cheese Reception
Time Subject
0730-0830 Two Concurrent Industry Workshops
Strategy Room 1 I070730-A Addressing the continuum of cardiac troponin testing needs in hospital and decentralized environments
Presented by Quidel Canada
Strategy Room 2 I070730-B Use of Procalcitonin for Antimicrobial Stewardship in Sepsis
Presented by Ortho Clinical Diagnostics
Great Room C
Symposium 2: Evidence Based Laboratory Medicine, Personalized Laboratory Medicine and Direct to Consumer Testing. Understanding Patient Needs and Wants in a Patient-centered Healthcare System
Clinical pharmacogenetics as a tool to facilitate personalized/precision medicine
Dr. Chad Bousman, Department of Medical Genetics, University of Calgary
Direct to Consumer Testing: where is the evidence?
Dr. Kristin Hauff, University of British Columbia, Canada. Lead of Special Chemistry, Interior Health, BC
Refreshment Break and Exhibit Viewing
Reconciling evidence-based laboratory medicine and precision medicine
Prof. AE Zemlin, Head of Division of Chemical Pathology, Chair of IFCC Committee for Evidence-based Laboratory Medicine (C-EBLM)
Great Room AB
Lunch and Exhibit Viewing
Strategy Room 3
CSCC Council/Vendor Meeting
Great Room C
Symposium 3: Health Care Equity: Role of Decentralized Laboratory Services
Eliminating race from the equation: A more equitable approach for estimating GFR
Dr. Navdeep Tangri, Chair, Canadian Society of Nephrology Taskforce on Race and Kidney Function
Delivery of lab testing in non-lab setting
Ryan Sneath, Executive Director, EMS and Patient Transport Operations
Refreshment Break and Exhibit Viewing
Delivering COVID-19 diagnostics to rural, remote and indigenous communities using point of care tests and drones
Dr. Byron Berenger, MSc, MD, FRCPC, D(ABMM), Medical Microbiologist, Calgary Laboratory Services & Prov Lab Alberta Wade Hawkins, Southern Alberta Institute of Technology
Great Room C
CSCC Annual General Meeting / CSCC “Town Hall”
Great Room C
CACB Annual General Meeting
Offsite: Château des Charmes
President’s Reception and Awards Banquet
Join us for a very special evening that will include a delicious dinner and award presentations.
Buses will leave from the Sheraton lobby at 1830.
Time Subject
Fallsview Studio ABC
Eight Concurrent Breakfast Roundtables
R080730-A Applications of Cardiac Markers in Pediatrics
Presenter: Lawrence de Koning, Alberta Precision Labs, University of Calgary
R080730-B Which biofluid is appropriate for diagnosis of Autoimmune Encephalitis: CSF or serum or both?
Presenter: Hans Frykman, BC Neuroimmunology Laboratory and Neurocode Lab; University of British Columbia
R080730-C Improving Nephrology Referral of Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease in Primary Care
Presenter: Paul Yip, University of Toronto
R080730-D Quality assurance in the total testing process of POC blood gas analysis
Presenter: Yun Huang, Kingston Health Science Centre
R080730-E Quality Management: Trends in Medical Error Disclosure and its Implications
Presenter: Jay Kalra, Royal University Hospital, University of Saskatchewan
R080730-F Selective venous sampling procedures: a collection of interesting cases
Presenter: Angela Fung, St. Paul’s Hospital
R080730-G Harmonized Adult Lipid Reporting
Presenter: Nicole White-Al Habib; on behalf of the Canadian Society of Clinical Chemists (CSCC) Working Group on Reference Interval Harmonization
Great Room C
Symposium 4: The clinical toxicology lab and the forgotten public health crisis
Dried Specimens in Toxicology
Dr. Christophe Stove, Ghent University, Laboratory of Toxicology
Drug Checking as Harm Reduction at Supervised Injection Sites
Dr. Christiana Stefan, Clinical Biochemist/Toxicologist, Laboratory Director, Centre for Addiction and Mental Health
Refreshment Break
Beyond the Sample: The humanity of harm reduction and opioid agonist therapy in Alberta
Christina Zagnelli, Outreach Team Nurse Practitioner, Alberta Health Services
Rachel Edwards, UVIC
1200-1300 SIG and Business Meetings
Strategy Room 1 CACB Syllabus Review Committee
Strategy Room 5 Annual Meetings Committee
1300-1400 SIG and Business Meetings
Great Room C Toxicology SIG
Strategy Room 3 Quality Indicators SIG
Strategy Room 2 hRI WG
Strategy Room 5 Monoclonal Gammopathy
1400-1500 SIG and Business Meetings
Executive Boardroom POCT SIG
Strategy Room 5 Lab Utilization SIG
1500-1600 SIG and Business Meetings
Strategy Room 5 CSCC 2023 Committee
1600-1700 SIG and Business Meetings
Strategy Room 3 CSCC 2022-2023 Council Meeting
Strategy Room 5 CACB 2022-2023 Board of Directors Meeting
Sponsor Directory – click on each sponsor logo to open the showcases

The Exhibit Hall is located in Great Room AB on the 3rd Floor.

Exhibit Hall Hours:

MONDAY JUNE 6: 1200 – 1900

  • 1200-1400 Lunch
  • 1500-1600 Oral ePoster Presentations
  • 1700-1900 Wine & Cheese Reception; Poster Viewing

TUESDAY JUNE 7: 1000 – 1600

  • 1040-1110 Refreshment Break
  • 1200-1400 Lunch
  • 1510-1540 Refreshment Break
Registration Desk

The Registration Desk is located on the 3rd Floor in the Great Room foyer.

Registration Desk Hours:

  • Saturday June 4: 1200 – 1900
  • Sunday June 5: 0800 – 1930
  • Monday June 6: 0700 – 1700
  • Tuesday June 7: 0700 – 1800
  • Wednesday June 8: 0700 – 1100
Social Events

Opening Reception
Time: 1930-2200
Location: Table Rock Centre – shuttle bus will start at 1930 from the Sheraton lobby and will loop between the hotel and venue throughout the evening until 2200.

Lunch with Exhibitors
Time: 1200-1400
All conference delegates are welcome to join your colleagues, sponsors and exhibitors for lunch today.

Wine & Cheese Reception with Exhibitors
Time: 1700-1900
The Exhibitors invite all delegates to enjoy an elegant wine and cheese reception held in the exhibit hall. Show your appreciation to our industry partners for their generous support of the CSCC Annual Meeting.

Lunch with Exhibitors
Time: 1200-1330
All conference delegates are welcome to join your colleagues, sponsors and exhibitors for lunch today.

President’s Reception and Awards Banquet
Time: 1830-2230
Location: Château des Charmes – bus will leave from the Sheraton lobby at 1830 and will return at the end of the banquet. Complimentary winery tours are available during the reception.


Network: SheratonConference

Login: cscc

Password: Conference

PD Program

Codes will be posted on a sign inside each meeting room where a PD session is held. Submit these codes using the CSCC PD Program platform to receive your credits for attending the conference.

Recording forms for the PD codes are available at the Registration Desk. These forms are for your personal use to record each code and are not required for the PD Program submission.


Posters are available for viewing throughout the conference through the Virtual Poster Hall. Posters can be viewed on any personal device, or on the large monitors in the Exhibit Hall area. View the Posters section above for more specific details and links to the ePoster platform.

New CSCC Website Sneak Peak!

CSCC is in the process of launching a new website! The website will be transitioned to the new platform during June, but in the meantime you are invited to view the new look here: https://csccdev.ca/.

This is the development website and not all functions or content are currently available.

CSCC is in the process of launching a new website! The website will be transitioned to the new platform during June, but in the meantime you are invited to view the new look here: https://csccdev.ca/.

This is the development website and not all functions or content are currently available.

Oral ePoster Session
Monday, June 6, 1500-1600
Great Room AB

Seven posters will be presented in the hour session, with each speaker provided 7 minutes presentation time and 1 minute for questions. Posters are viewable throughout the conference through FourWaves.


Virtual ePoster Discussion Session
Monday, June 6, 1700-1800
Virtual, during the Wine & Cheese Reception

Virtual posters are available for viewing throughout the conference through the FourWaves Virtual Poster Hall. Posters can be viewed on any personal device, or on the large monitors in the Exhibit Hall area.

If you have any questions or comments for the presenter, you can leave a message. From 1730-1830 on Monday, you can contact the presenter by clicking on their poster and joining the Poster Chat room. When you join the Poster Chat, you will be placed in a queue. Up to eight attendees are able to participate in a live Poster Chat with the presenter, with the remaining attendees in a view-only mode. New participants can join the chat as other participants leave, or can leave a question by text message.



Click here to download the abstract booklet (pdf).

3rd Floor

5th Floor